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Scott Parker was a flight engineer working on Talos I during Prey (2017) .



Scott Parker was assigned to the Shuttle Bay. On a flight with pilot Tom "Buzz" Cooper, he noticed a secret facility out in space running absolutely dark, alongside two unidentified shuttles, before flying straight to Talos, where Parker wrote a flight log about what he saw.

During the Typhon outbreak, he shut down the Grav Shafts in the Shuttle Bay to keep the Typhon organisms from reaching Mia Bayer, unknowingly shutting off the oxygen as well. After hearing screams from Anastacia Uriegas, he rushed out of his office to help her but became trapped by Typhon inside the maintenance cage, and he apologized to Anastacia and Mia for not being able to help them. His unsent email to Anastacia implies he was heavily depressed, and this appears to have frustrated Frank Jones, who was implied to have been bullying and belittling him.

Prey (2017)[]

Morgan Yu finds Parker's corpse in the Shuttle Bay Mechanic Pit inside the cage. He carries a burnt circuit board, spare parts, and a keycard to the Shuttle Control Room. He most likely suffocated when the Shuttle Bay deoxygenated.



From Scott[]
To Scott[]



