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RE: RE: RE: Patient access request is an email in Prey.


From: Alex Yu
To: Regina Sellers
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Patient access request
Dr. Sellers,

I know what Paraplexis is. The records are sealed by government order, not TranStar. My hands are tied.
- Alex Yu

From: Regina Sellers
To: Alex Yu
Subject: RE: Patient access request
She claims she needs a bi-weekly booster shot of Neurostimprexen to offset minor Physiognomic Fatigue, but NSP is a treatment for many ailments, including White Noise (Paraplexis, muscle paralysis due to neuronal disorder).

If it is late-onset White Noise, then this would explain why Ilyushin has no Neuromods, not simply because she has refused them, as she has claimed. Ilyushin's brain has never been scanned, which I also find unusual, especially for a TranStar employee. I requested to see her files to see if any member of her family had a history of the disorder, but those of her parents are also not accessible.

From: Alex Yu
To: Regina Sellers
Subject: RE: Patient access request
Dr. Sellers, Engineer Ilyushin was cleared Earthside. What exactly is the problem here?
- Alex Yu

From: Regina Sellers
To: Alex Yu
Subject: Patient access request
Dr. Yu,

I'm writing for permission to access one of the patient files: Ilyushin, Mikhaila. I already spoke to Nurse Mata, then Dr. De Vries, and both indicated that not all the medical reports were available, notably the ones at the Petersburg TranStar facility and then again in Kiev when she was cleared for station operations. All my requests have been denied, and I was hoping you could help me with this matter.


This email can be read on Regina Sellers's workstation in the Trauma Center, Talos I Lobby.
